Saturday, 29 August 2009

Wednesday, 26 August 2009
In the words of 'The Killers' - 'Smile, Like You Mean It'
I've made this card from odds and ends just as a gentle reminder to keep smiling. I do feel that in this busy world some people have actually forgotten how to smile! I know, how shocking is that? It has to be one of the easiest things to do AND it costs nothing. It warms the heart and you never know, you may even get one back!
Do you remember being a kid and laughing so much that you could have been sick? Your belly and cheeks hurt from giggling and then when the fit had finally passed you couldn't remember what you were laughing at. That just set you off again ...... ahh...good times they were. I do still get the odd occassion like that. It's a great feeling.
Just take a look next time you're walking down a busy street. Folk are always in a hurry to get somewhere, bustling about, blank expressions, shouting into their mobile phones and some have hardly the time, energy or inclination to even lift their heads to see what's ahead of them.
I don't see this so much where I live, a small town in NI where you could have said 'hello,hiya' a dozen times from one end of the main street (which isn't all that long!) to the other. I do notice it more when I venture outside of this country area to the city. T'is funny, I know almost everyone who lives in this street but I have friends who live in Belfast and they haven't a clue who their immediate neighbours are. Can you imagine what it's like in huge city like London?
So anyway, keep smiling ......
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Wednesday, 19 August 2009

I would love to be able to tell you that the tidy organised storage system pictured is mine, for all my crafty bits and pieces ..... but yep, you've guessed already haven't you, it's not mine.
I have been interested in making 'things' , lots of different things over the past many years. 'Things' could be defined as pictures, cards, patchwork quilts, christmas decorations ...... i think you get the idea? Over the years I have accumulated lots and lots and LOTS of products and resources. Sometimes when I'm looking for something entirely different and not at all craft related I come across an item I have purchased and put away for use later. So, as you can imagine there are craft 'things' scattered in various places of the house. This isn't a good idea at all, I never remember what I have and sometimes end up with duplicates (i'm sure i'm not the only one with this problem ....... i hope not anyway!)
The plan then, is to combine everything in the one place for ease of access. It's so much easier to come up with an idea too when you can actually see what you have to work with. Having recently converted the attic space into a bedroom for my youngest I now have some room in his 'used to be' bedroom that i plan to take over and populate with my creativity. So, I need an action plan....
- Find all craft related items (this could be harder than I think!)
- Find suitable storage solutions
- categorise all items into appropriate boxes (this could take a LOT of time)
- find space for all the boxes
- fix and re-arrange many times until I get it just the way I want it
- destroy the tidiness by beginning to make something :P
I have decided on a little trip to Ikea at the weekend, Saturday in fact. If I can't get storage there then I definitely have a problem!! I have had a wee nosey online and there is a great picture of something that would suit just fine (i did try to copy it but it wouldn't let me!) That leaves me two evenings in which to locate all the offending products and shift them to their new home. You know what it's like, once you get stuck into something it's all you can think about. I can see myself spending hours making sure everything has it's own space. I know it will be worth all the pain, sweat and tears (I won't really be crying ... t'is just a figure of speech).
There is something I have to remember though ....... now what is it ..... ummmm, .. oh yes ... feed the children .......
Sunday, 16 August 2009

Saturday, 15 August 2009
Oh wats a girl to do!
I got an email from a friend today telling me she had created a new blog. The link brought me here. Well not here here of course ..... to this site with the orange square and the white B. Blogger? Blogspot? Is there a difference? I dunno, fancy putting me straight?
Well, there went my afternoon down the pan! Curious as I am, I have spent a while (a long while) sifting thro the random ramblings of other folk. I have heard about this blogging lark but never really paid much attention to it. I do have to say tho I could be well and truly hooked, maybe not so much the posting myself, but definitely looking at other creations. This has been all very inspiring. I make cards you see, ok, I used to make cards, thats better. I haven't had much time lately what with one thing or another .... don't ask!
So I have this other friend who did something nice for me. Having perused many card/scrapbooking/crafty blogs I have in fact, this afternoon created a masterpiece, see picture above. Cool eh? Just a wee something to say 'ta very much' Now my kitchen table resembles a bomb site ..... all for one wee card ...... but it was worth it.
I really should make more of an effort to create more of these masterpieces ...... makes me feel good. Just must remember that I have to also feed the two children ........