Two posts in 2 days ....i'm spoiling u's!
And it's not even two days, i'm still within a 24 hour time span here. That's why i'm quite ashamed to say i'm already a blog thief ... oh dear ... but you have to admit that the handmade bookmark pictured just has to be one of the cutest things for like ever! You can see more here http://elzybells.typepad.com/my_weblog/
honestly I don't think i'll be able to settle until I make one of these. My problem is that I don't have the shapecutter for the disc with the frilly edges (you can tell i'm not a seasoned crafter .... i dont even know the technical names for the tools!) I have a similar punch but its on a smaller scale and wouldnt look right. Think i'll have to call in some help on that. Anyone point me in the right direction for a quick purchase?
So if I manage to do this it will enable me to combine 2 of my 3 favourite things. Making and reading (the 3rd is music ... im working on geting it in the mix too). I love reading, love words and they way the can raise emotions. We, my siblings and I, were always encouraged from a young age to read. I remember reading and not even knowing what some of the words meant. If I asked my Mum she always made me guess first and then told me to look it up in the dictionary. I still have to do that sometimes, look words up. I have this friend you see (here we go again .... bit of a trend/theme emerging here .... just lets hope I dont run out of friends!!). We correspond by email and he has such a great vocabulary and uses words i've never heard of. I love it tho, 38 and i'm still learning new words :)
Actually, i'm just back from hols and i managed to fit in quite a lot of reading whilst 'caravaning in the country' Here are the titles:
The Twelve by Stuart Neville - this was fantastic. Having been brought up on the streets of Northern Ireland during the height of the troubles I could really relate to this. All the street names, areas and landmarks frequently on the news were involved. This painted a very vivid picture and I could just imagine all the going's on. I must be however more niave than I thought or maybe I just didnt think of how much high level government turned a blind eye or was directly involved in manipulating events/corruption/collusion. Anyway, def one to recommend.
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly - This title was lent to me by a friend. It was a dark adult fairytale which incorporated traditional tales but with a alternative slant. Wierd but brilliant.
The White Tiger (sorry cant remember who wrote this one) - Set in India its about a boy who makes good in the city ...... but how did he do it?? A terrific insight into how things are done in other parts of the world!
Currently getting thro The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger - have to really concentrate whilst reading this one but enjoying it all the same.
Not sure how to continue with this blogging, picking a new title for each post could be exhausting, that's why for now they're are just being numbered ^_^ I have this friend, the same friend mentioned previously in fact .... c'mon keep up, no scrolloing back up to see what I wrote, pay attention! He always manages to come up with better subject headings than me :( He calls them obtuse, not keen on that word myself (not sure why ... ) I prefer obscure but there you go. We'll see what happens ...
Just for fun whilst since we're talking lexis.
Ive opened the dictionary at a random page. This is the most interesting word in my humble opinion: Stultify - make ineffective, useless or futile. Now then, let's see if I can get this into a sentence before the end of the day .......