Thursday, 17 September 2009


Now then, now then, now then, wat have we here.

I was actually quite chuffed with this 1st attempt at making the post it note organiser thingy (im not quite sure of the techical name!) It's perhaps not as neat as I would like but practice, practice, practice AND guess wat ....... I now have some nice new Stampin' Up paper to play with so my next attempt is going to be OHHHH so pretty :)

I have aso been practising my photographic skills ....... ok, so it's still not great but much better than the last few ...... don't you think?

I've been thinking about this blogging you know. I do think I should make an effort with the titles of the posts. So, now that you all know I'm a clever wee lass and can count to 10 I think I will stop and be a grown up, watch out for some of those 'obtuse' statements I mentioned before ^_^

Not really much else going on in my wee lil world at the min. Kids are back to school and clubs have started again so it's a case of organising and snatching a lil bit of time here and there to satisfy my crafting urges! Having to fit work into the equation is a royal PITA too. Work for me is .... well.... its just work .... and it gets in the way. Ah well, the weekend is fast approaching and with already having a headstart on my chores I plan to have a little "me time" No caravaning in the country this weekend so I will have all my bits and pieces to hand.

Have to say .... "Thank-you K, for all my goodies" :) x

Til next time .......

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're enjoying them!! What paper is that? It's lovely. And your post-it note organiser thingy is beautiful! well done you!
